Elise Leonard

Illustrator, background artist & master of light
→ Published on
December 8, 2022

She’s a freelance Illustrator / Visual Development Artist for the animation industry and she loves to create concept art, backgrounds and characters.What she loves the MOST about illustration is to studying and playing with light and colors ; to convey emotions, create a cinematic feeling, and to explore visual solutions that help the director visualize their vision.

The themes she likes are mostly random. If you ask her, she’ll tell you she’d enjoy drawing anything as long as she comes with a vibrant color palette, a nice dynamic composition and most importantly, an interesting light situation.

She usually works for studios or directors and her projects alternate between commercial and entertainment. Next year, she’ll be working for the first time on an animated feature film as a background artist.Her weird guilty food pleasure is to dip camembert toasts in a homemade hot chocolate.

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